Demolition Of Former Shelton Factory To Begin Next Month

FILEMayor Mark A. Lauretti of the City of Shelton announced that Standard Demolition Services of Trumbull has been awarded the contract for the demolition of the Chromium Process site located at 113 Canal St. 

These demolition activities will be completed as a result of a grant award to the City of Shelton in the amount of $1,519,470 from the State of Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development/Office of Brownfield Remediation Development. 

The demolition is projected to take 12 weeks and should begin in mid-July and conclude in September.

Mayor Lauretti said, ​“The demolition and environmental remediation of the Chromium Process building has been a long-term goal of the city. The demolition of this property marks another completed milestone of the Shelton Enterprise and Commerce Park (SECP) development plan.” 

The SECP was initially developed and enacted by the city in 1994 through the continued effort and support of the Shelton Economic Development Corporation. 

The plan which has included numerous short-and long-term objectives has been recognized as a high priority by community leaders, the Citizens Advisory Board and many other stakeholders, including the State of Connecticut who has identified Shelton’s redevelopment efforts as a model for other communities. 

Over the years, the City has transformed Canal Street into a vibrant community with the establishment of a Riverfront Park, Veterans Memorial, Riverwalk and the Shelton Farm and Public Market, coupled with significant private residential developments such as The Birmingham and AvalonBay Properties. 

“Our public investments have led the way for significant leveraging of private dollars on Canal Street and now in other parts of Shelton’s downtown corridor. We are now beginning to see the fruit of that vision,” stated Mayor Lauretti. 

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