Shelton’s Echo Hose Hook & Ladder volunteer fire company is holding a fundraiser Jan. 24 to benefit the wife of a firefighter suffering from several medical conditions.
Kerri Zuber, who is married to Echo Hose Firefighter Matt Zuber, has been battling a laundry list of severe neurological conditions for most of her life.
A gofundme page created to benefit Kerri has raised $12,605 of a $25,000 goal in the past two months, allowing Kerri to travel to Texas’ Carrick Brain Center last month to receive treatment.
The two weeks of treatment went well, but according to Kerri’s gofundme page, her condition is worsening again and she hopes to return to Texas for a second round of therapy soon.
But treatment there costs $1,500 per day, and isn’t covered by Kerri’s insurance.
So her husband’s fellow firefighters are rallying to raise funds for Kerri’s treatment through a “Hope For Healing” fundraiser Saturday (Jan. 24) at the firehouse, 379 Coram Ave.
The event will run from 6 to 10 p.m.
The $20 ticket covers ziti, meatballs, salad, bread, and desserts.
In addition, there will be raffle prizes and a silent auction.
A flier for the event is below.
For more information, check out the Facebook page for the fundraiser or email the Echo Hose Hook & Ladder Auxiliary, which is sponsoring the event: