Free CPR/First Aid Course For Shelton Residents

Echo Hose Ambulance would like to invite residents of Shelton and non-residents to visit our training center to obtain CPR and First Aid skills to help your friends and family in the event of a medical emergency.

Quality bystander care is essential to survival rates prior to EMS arrival. 

HeartSaver CPR/AED and First Aid (Community CPR) classes will take place April 29, May 6, and June 17.

HeartSaver First Aid Classes will be held April 22 and May 13.

These classes are free to Shelton Residents: Proof of residency is required the day of class.

Students will be asked to bring their drivers licenses/state identification card to prove residency. 

For those students who would like a certification card please bring a check for $6 the night of class made out to Echo Hose Ambulance.”

Non-residents are invited to attend. The fee is $45, which includes books and certification card.

To register visit and look under CPR/First Aid or call 203 – 924-5500 for assistance.

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