The Oxford High School Cheerleading Team won their first Southwestern Conference Cheer Championship in school history on Saturday, January 28, 2012.
The team finished in first place with a total score of 157 points. Following the competition, cheerleaders conducted a community service project by collecting donations for a local cancer research organization.
Team members in the photo kneeling left to right: Meghan Isberg, Rebecca Yesulaites, Casey Moran, and Morgan Hare.
2nd row left to right, bent over at waist: Coach Heather Cinicola, Amanda Donofrio, Alyssa Ferreone, Jessica Lewis, Deja Texeira, Alexis Jelenik, and Katelyn Twombly.
Back row from left to right: Jessica Fedak, Jamie Blake, Ellen Yacovelli, Brooke Kuzma, Jessica Gianetta, Amber Murray, Natalie Peterson, Kassidy Rosa, Vanessa Rosa, and Coach Marie Kashuba. Missing from photo: Cassandra Miller.