Oxford To Honor World War I Veterans

CONTRIBUTEDToday, July 28, 2014 marks the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of World War I, originally called he Great War,” or The War to End All Wars.”

Then, as always, Oxford residents served their country.

We will be honoring all Oxford veterans at our annual Peach Festival on Saturday, August 23, from 4 to 7 p.m. at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church Fellowship Hall.

This year’s photo features will be Oxford servicemen and women.

Among the collection of photos gathered so far, we have four men who served in World War I.

John Hunihan, who was known to his friends as Jack, first saw action in a skirmish on the Mexican border and then went to France. 

He received a medal for his service at Verdun (the longest battle of the war), with Troop A Calvary, Connecticut National Guard, Company D, 102nd Machine Gun Battalion. (Photo courtesy of Ann Hunihan Ludgewait.)

Another photos features Corporal William J. Houlihan, who served in Co. D, 203 Infantry.

The Houlihan family lived on Riggs Street. (Photo courtesy of Shirley Thorsen)

CONTRIBUTEDAnother photo, taken at Camp Devons, features Clarence Roberts and August Tilquist. (Photo courtesy of Marilyn Stebar)

The Historical Society treasures all our photos of veterans, and we ask your help in collecting as many as possible.

Any veteran who served this country, at any time, and lived some part of their lives in Oxford, is eligible to be included in the Peach Festival display.

If you have any such photos, or know of people who might have some, please let them know. 

Scanning the photos takes only a few minutes and does not injure the photos in an way.

We will be scanning photos on Sunday, August 3, from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Twitchell-Rowland Homestead, 60 Towner Lane.

Other scanning sessions may be set up at the library by calling Dottie DeBisschop, 203 – 888-4159 to arrange an appointment.


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