Resource Fair For Veterans In Shelton May 21

Sutter-Terlizzi American Legion Post 16 of Shelton is holding a Veterans Resource Fair on Armed Forces Day, Saturday May 21, 2016 from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. at Post 16, 295 Old Bridgeport Ave., Shelton.

The fair will bring veterans and their families in contact with health, education, housing, family and vocational support services.

Service providers will include The Workplace, American Job Center Career Coach, Career Resources, Housatonic Community College, VA Health Care Eligibility Enrollment, VA Vocational Rehab Services, Valley Parish Nurses, Shelton Youth Service Bureau, The Valley Veteran Support Center, American Legion Service Officers, Solders’ Sailors’ and Marines’ Fund representatives, State of Connecticut Department of Labor, State of Connecticut Department of Veterans Affairs, VNA of South Central Connecticut, Masonicare, Homes for The Brave, Make a Home Foundation, Your Elected Representatives, and local veterans’ service organizations.

All Veterans and their families are invited to attend the fair. The Post 16 family will be providing hot dogs, snacks and soft drinks for our guest. American Legion Post 16 is located across from the route 8 exit 13 southbound ramp near the Wiffle Ball Factory in Shelton.

A flier for the event is below.

Resource Fair Flyer 16

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