Shelton Fire Marshal James Tortora submitted the following summary of the Shelton Volunteer Fire Department’s calls from last week.
On 09/10/18 at 1:03 pm the Echo Hose Co #1 and the Pine Rock Co. #4 responded #150 Maltby Street for a fire alarm activation. There was no fire. Steam from a shower caused the alarm. A rescue truck and a ladder truck responded.
On 09/10/18 at 1:47 pm the Echo Hose Co #1 and the Pine Rock Co. #4 responded to #40 Soundridge Drive for an electrical hazard in the home. An engine, a rescue truck and a ladder truck responded.
On 09/10/18 at 5:37 pm the Echo Hose Co #1 and the White Hills Co #5 responded to BH Care at #579 Howe Avenue for a fire alarm activation. There was no fire. Smoke from cooking caused the alarm. A rescue truck responded.
On 09/10/18 at 11:27 pm the Pine Rock Co. #4 and the Echo Hose Co #1 responded to Gardner Heights Hospital at #172 Rocky Rest Road. There was no fire. An engine and a ladder truck responded.
On 09/11/18 at 8:15 am the Pine Rock Co. #4 and the Echo Hose Co #1 responded to the Gardner Heights Hospital at #172 Rocky Rest Road for a fire alarm activation. There was no fire. A unit responded.
ON 09/11/18 at 5:12 pm the Echo Hose Co #1 and the White Hills Co #5 responded to the Sinsabaugh Heights Housing Complex at #187 Meadow Street for a fire alarm activation. There was no fire. Smoke from cooking caused the alarm. A rescue truck and a ladder truck responded.
On 09/11/18 at 7:40 pm the Huntington Fire Co. #3 and the White Hills Co #5 responded to #19 Ladyslipper Drive for a fire alarm sounding. There was no fire. An engine and a ladder truck responded.
On ‑09/12/18 at 11:37 am the Huntington Fire Co. #3 and the White Hills Co #5 responded to #49 Honeybee lane for a fire alarm activation. There was no fire. An engine and a ladder truck responded.
On 09/12/18 at 5:31 pm the Echo Hose Co #1 responded to Route 8 south near exit 13 for a motor vehicle accident. An engine responded.
On 09/12/18 at 5:53 pm the Pine Rock Co. #4 responded to a motor vehicle accident at River Road and South Constitution Boulevard. An engine responded.
On 09/12/18 at 7:25 pm the Echo Hose Co #1 and the Pine Rock Co. #4 responded to the Helen DeVaux Housing Complex at #91 Howe Avenue for a fire alarm sounding. There was no fire. Smoke from cooking caused the alarm. An engine and a ladder truck responded.
On 09/13/18 at 7:21 am the Echo Hose Co #1 and the Huntington Fire Co. #3 responded to a motor vehicle accident on Route 8 south at exit 14. An engine responded.
On 09/13/18 at 10:01 am the Echo Hose Co #1 and the White Hills Co #5 responded to #240 Meadow Street for a fire alarm sounding. There was no fire. An engine and a ladder truck responded.
On 09/13/18 at 12:53 pm the Echo Hose Co #1 and the White Hills Co #5 responded to #240 Meadow Street for a fire alarm sounding. There was no fire. An engine responded.
On 09/13/18 at 6:18 pm the Echo Hose Co #1 and the Pine Rock Co. #4 responded to the Helen DeVaux Housing Complex at #91 Howe Avenue for a fire alarm sounding. There was no fire. Smoke from cooking caused the alarm. An engine and a ladder truck responded.
On 09/14/18 at 7:47 am the Huntington Fire Co. #3, Echo Hose Co #1 and the Pine Rock Co. #4 responded to Longhorn Restaurant at #838 Bridgeport Avenue for a fire alarm sounding. There was no fire. An engine and a rescue truck responded.
On 09/14/18 at 8:59 am the Pine Rock Co. #4 and the Echo Hose Co #1 responded to the Gardner Heights Hospital at #172 Rocky Rest Road for a fire alarm activation. There was no fire. An engine and a rescue truck responded.
On 09/14/18 at 12;26 pm the Huntington Fire Co. #3 responded to a motor vehicle accident on Nichols Avenue. An engine responded.
On 09/15/18 at 00:04 am the Huntington Fire Co. #3 and the Echo Hose Co #1 responded to a motor vehicle accident on route 8 north bound near exit 13. An engine and a rescue truck responded.
On 09/15/18 at 10:04 am Echo Hose Co #1 and the White Hills Co #5 responded to #9 Canterbury Lane for a fire alarm sounding. There was no fire. An engine and a ladder truck responded.
On 09/15/18 at 11:07 am the Echo Hose Co #1 and the White Hills Co #5 responded to Howe Avenue at White Street for a power line down in the road. An engine and a rescue truck responded.
On 09/15/18 at 11:13 am the Echo Hose Co #1 responded to Saint Joseph’s Church at #430 Coram Avenue for a person stuck in an elevator. A rescue truck responded.
On 09/15/18 at 11:40 am the Echo Hose Co #1 responded to #273 Summerfield Gardens for a carbon monoxide detector activation. An engine responded.
On 09/15/18 at 3:23 pm the Huntington Fire Co. #3, Echo Hose Co #1 and the Pine Rock Co. #4 responded to the Courtyard by Marriott Hotel at #780 Bridgeport Avenue for a fire alarm activation. There was no fire. An engine, a rescue truck and a ladder truck responded.
On 09/16/18 at 12:59 pm the Huntington Fire Co. #3 and the Echo Hose Co #1 responded to the Outback Steakhouse at #798 Bridgeport Avenue for a fire alarm sounding. There was no fire. An engine and a ladder truck responded.
On 09/16/18 at 1:25 pm the Huntington Fire Co. #3 and the Pine Rock Co. #4 responded to Stratford fire station on Main Street to standby while Stratford fought a structure fire. An engine and a ladder truck responded.
On 09/16/18 at 3:30 pm Huntington Fire Co. #3 and the Echo Hose Co #1 responded to a motor vehicle accident on route 8 north bound near exit 11. An engine and a rescue truck responded.
On 09/16/18 at 9:44 pm the White Hills Co #5 and the Huntington Fire Co. #3 responded to #290 East Village Road for an odor on gas. An engine and a ladder truck responded.
On 09/17/18 at 8:08 am the White Hills Co #5 and the Huntington Fire Co. #3 responded to the Elizabeth Shelton School at #138 Willoughby Road for a fire alarm sounding. There was no fire. An engine and a ladder truck responded.
On 09/17/18 at 11:43 am the Huntington Fire Co. #3 responded to a motor vehicle accident on Bridgeport Avenue at Commerce Drive. An engine responded.
On 09/17/18 at 12:20 pm the Huntington Fire Co. #3 and the White Hills Co #5 responded to #47 Dexter Drive for a fire alarm sounding. There was no fire. An engine and a ladder truck responded.
On 09/17/18 at 7:10 pm the Echo Hose Co #1 responded to #573 Howe Avenue for a public service call. A rescue truck responded.
On 09/17/18 at 11:25 pm the Echo Hose Co #1 responded to a motor vehicle accident on Howe Avenue at Kneen Street. A rescue truck responded.