Shelton High Recognizes Students, Employees Of The Month

Dr. Beth A. Smith, Headmaster, has announced the September Students of the Month at Shelton High School.

These students were nominated by staff members and have demonstrated one or more of the following criteria: improvement in subject area; improvement in behavior; set a good, positive example in class; willing to help others; completes homework and class work with quality; goes above and beyond in the classroom; involvement in school activities; exhibits leadership qualities; is kind and friendly to classmates; follows the Gael Guidelines.

The following students were presented with a certificate by the administration: Matthew Bean, Carly Bryant, Diana Buckens, Michael Burden, Mackenzie Bures, Jamiy Burey, Gabriella Castorina, Amy Chang, Maura Cummings, Alan Cybulski, Lorenzo Dahdal, Rafael Desousa, Rachel Drost, Natalie Ferrante, Zoe Figueroa, Mark Glazewski, Griffin Dokla, , Iztihaad Haq, Jin Hong, Deusa Hughes, Sara Hummel, Armana Islam, Emily Juliano, Matthew Juliano, Kennedy Keklik, Anastasios Kydes, Emily Laven, Courtney Litts, Courtney MacDonald, Alexander Main, Sabrina Maldonado, Michael Martinez, Brittney Matto, Dione McClenaghan, Michael Cook, Brittany Nurse, Melissa Papp, Christopher Pereira, Thomas Pertoso, Rachel Philipson, Edward Radzion, Kayla Resto, Ronald Rich, Ryan Rodko, Monica Rodriguez-Espinal, Alexander Ruenhorst, William Simics, Caroline Steadham, Thomas Sweeney, Grace Tokarski, Michael Turaj, Gabriel Vergara, Daniel Vigezzi, Matthew Vittori, Jafar Vohra, Colleen Wilson, Jacob Zamani, Matthew Zarrella, Qi Zhang, Djimon Zimmerman.

In addition, Mrs. Joan Tichy, Library/Media Curriculum Leader, was recognized as the September Employee of the Month.

Employees who receive this award demonstrate initiative, produce high quality work, have a positive attitude, set a good example for others, exhibit leadership qualities and work as a team member. 

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