Shelton High School Holds 18th Science Fair

Overall winners of the Shelton High School Science Fair

The Shelton High School Eighteenth Annual Science Fair was held on Monday, Jan. 31, in the school’s auxiliary gymnasium. 

Over 216 projects were entered into the competition. Fifty-one projects made it to the second round of judging. The fair was organized by the Shelton High School Science Department. Members from various community corporations, universities, retired educators, central office employees, and science teachers within the district served as judges for the day. They communicated with students about their projects and projects findings. 

The Awards Assembly was held on Monday, Feb. 5, in the school’s auditorium. Dr. Beth Smith, headmaster, welcomed students and reiterated the importance of STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics). Greetings and congratulations were also given by Dr. Clouet, superintendent of schools, and Mark Holden, Board of Education chairperson. Housemasters Jim Colandrea and Carolyn Ivanoff then announced the students in each class, who received honorable mention, first, second and third place. Dr. Smith awarded ribbons, certificates, plaques and cash prizes. Mary Clark, Science Curriculum Leader, then congratulated all of students for their accomplishments. Dr. Smith announced the top eight overall projects, which qualify for the Connecticut Science Fair. Students were presented with plaques and cash prizes by Dr. Clouet. 

Those projects receiving honorable mention from the freshmen class were: The Five Second Rule: True or False by Korey Barber; Calorimetry by Caiden Collins; Video Game Consumption Versus Reaction Time by Danny Nguyen. Sophomore class honorable mention went to: How Does Sulfuric Acid Affect Building Materials by Michael Brown; Pumping Iron by Spencer Hatfield. Junior honorable mention was awarded to: Killer Cleaning Products by Haley Adcox; The Skin You’re In: How Moisturizing is Your Moisturizer? by Eunice Kim, Amanda Sousa, and Maggie Howard. 

Third place winners were: Copper Power by Emma Arsenault (freshman); Doggie Doorbell by Phoeba Rodia, Brooke Weiss, and Iris White (sophomores); Afterimages: How Fast Do Eyes Recover by Jillian Uanino (junior); The Effect of Temperature on Surface Tension When Different Concentrations of Surfactants are Applied by Yuxin Zhang. 

Second place winners were: Eye Color Ability by Trista Oddo and Jaylee Zwaan (freshmen); The Atomospheric Scrubbing Brush by Cora Welsh (sophomore); Delta Dynamics by Nin Chhoeun and David Ferraro (juniors); The Effect of Grapefruit Seed Extract on Bacterial Growth by Deloshene Sittambalam (senior).

Those entries which placed first were: The Effect of Weather Patterns on Migraines by Jules Cayer (freshman); Fire Hydrant Alert System by Kyle Young (sophomore); Enhancing Latent Prints Visualized through Iodine Fuming with Magnetic Powders by Sarah Gloria (junior); Electricity on the Go by Jacob Zuklie (senior).

The following eight projects were overall winners and will participate in the Connecticut State Science Fair at Quinnipiac University in March: Pumping Iron by Spencer Hatfield; Doggie Doorbell by Phoebe Rodia, Brooke Weiss, and Iris White; Eye Color Ability by Trista Oddo and Jaylee Zwaan; Snow: The Atmospheric Scrubbing Brush by Cora Welsh; Electricity on The Go by Jacob Zuklie; The Effect of Weather Patterns on Migraines by Jules Cayer; and Enhancing Latent Prints Visualized Through Iodine Fuming with Magnetic Powders by Sarah Gloria. 

The following project came in first place and was declared the Best in Show: Fire Hydrant Alert System by Kyle Young. Over $1500 in prize money was awarded with monetary donations from Mayor Lauretti and the Shelton High School PTSO.

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