Shelton High School Hosts Mock Crash

Shelton High School senior Amber Serrano killed one of her classmates, Michael Tartaglia, in a drunken driving crash Friday.

Or at least pretended to.

The high school hosted a mock car crash for more than 400 members of the senior class on Friday (May 11) to educate them on the consequences of drinking and driving.

Sirens blared and emergency responders rushed to the two vehicles made to look like they had just collided to evaluate injuries to patients.

Firefighters used the Jaws of Life to extricate patients as Serrano’s father, Shelton Police Officer Bill Serrano, gave her a pretend Field Sobriety Test.

Article continues after the slideshow. 
This is a good eye-opener for them,” Brian McPadden, the school resource officer, said.

Afterward, Sgt. Pete Zaksewicz of the police department’s traffic unit gave a presentation to seniors about traffic safety.

Friday’s mock crash wrapped up a week of events highlighting safe choices,” Headmaster Beth Smith said.

Smith said though the high school’s prom is tomorrow, It’s really not about focusing on one weekend,” saying she hopes students apply Friday’s lessons the rest of their lives.

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