Shelton High School Recognizes Students, Employee Of The Month

Dr. Beth A. Smith, Headmaster, has announced the May 2018 Students of the Month at Shelton High School. 

These students were nominated by staff members and have demonstrated one or more of the following criteria: improvement in subject area; improvement in behavior; set a good, positive example in class; willing to help others; completes homework and class work with quality; goes above and beyond in the classroom; involvement in school activities; exhibits leadership qualities; is kind and friendly to classmates; follows the Gael Guidelines. 

The following students were presented with a certificate by the administration: Emma Arsenault, Nicholas Bargo, Tiana Boccuzzi, Cameron Boyce, Shannon Brickett, Emma Buglione, Devin DiStassio, Alexander Donfrancesco, Cameron Dyment, Stephen Gamble, Jacob Iadorola, Tyler Janik, Isabelle Jette, Krystal Jimenez, Hunter Johnson, Carlin Kestenbaum, Michael Kichar, Bridgette Kline, Alyssa Lake, Adem Lazri, JinXia Lin, Kyle Moeller, Daniel Nyzio, Keira O’Connor, Deven Papadimitriou, Tyler Pineau, Kevin Rudzinski, Zackaria Sabbagh, Margaret Smalick, William Taft, Esther Taylor, Jessica Weiss, Ryan Woods, Alyssa Ziniak, Gianna Ziniak. 

Ms. Michele Piccolo, was recognized as the May 2018 Employee of the Month. Employees who receive this award demonstrate initiative, produce high quality work, have a positive attitude, set a good example for others, exhibit leadership qualities and work as a team member. 

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