Dr. Beth A. Smith, Headmaster, has announced the December Students of the Month at Shelton High School.
These students were nominated by staff members and have demonstrated one or more of the following criteria: improvement in subject area; improvement in behavior; set a good, positive example in class; willing to help others; completes homework and class work with quality; goes above and beyond in the classroom; involvement in school activities; exhibits leadership qualities; is kind and friendly to classmates; follows the Gael Guidelines.
The following students were presented with a certificate by the administration and a certificate from Longhorn’s Steakhouse for a free kid’s meal:
Eric Bailey, Sara Ball, Alexis Belco, Sydney Carter, Tyler Carvalho, William Ciccone, Alexa Cortinhas, Adriana Diotalevi, Adam Emanuel, Charlotte Falaguerra, Savannah Ferrante, Elena Ford, Emma Gallagher, Spencer Gangi, Joseph Gjidoda-Ostertag, Victoria Godin, Pallavi Goel, Ryan Hamme, Shane Higgins, Jake Inzerra, Glen Kaelin, TeaYoung Kim, Erik Kocur, Brianna Krentaman, Anna Krynicki, Victoria Laliots, Bridget Lockhart, Vanessa Maco, Julia Mancini, Julianna Mazza, Ali Paolini, Jaclyn Pensiero, Gabrille Rago, Alisha Reyes, Emely Ricci, Juan Carlo Rojo, Christian Rubio, Courtney Russo, Marie Sakr, Justin Sampieri, Tory Searles, Victoria Shuster, Zaria Brown, Deloshene Sittambalam, Michele Siu, Molly Smith, Philip Smolitsky, Kaitlyn Snyder, Kelly Sou, Christian Spillane, Ryan Stachelczyk, William Stanske, Dominique Stanziale, Colleen Toole, Katelyn Usarzewicz, Nicole Uysal, Olivia Vanghele, Yuxin Zhang.
In addition, Mrs. Lisa Huber was presented with a certificate and a $10 Longhorn Steakhouse for being named the December 2014 Employee of the Month.