Shelton High School students recognized at a third quarter recognition breakfast.
Shelton High School held its third quarter recognition breakfast on Thursday, May 3, in the school’s cafeteria.
The following students were presented with certificates from their housemaster: Kameren Battle, Megan Boretsky, Alexandra Capalbo, Jahmani Cherrington, Bliss Compper, Thomas Connery, Christopher Conrad, Hunter Eldridge, Claire Foley, Amanda Godin, Maxwell Henning, Evan Horvath, Thomas Killian, Charles Klous, Chuanlong Liu, Codi Lynders, Michelle Marty, Caroline McCormick, Dillon Miklus, Ahmir Miller, William Monahan, Krysta Rich, Rahel Schaeffer, Jake Sciongay, Samantha Viebranz, Jasmine White, Riley Woodyard, Fan Zhang.
The goal of the recognition breakfast is acknowledge students who have demonstrated increased motivation, built self-esteem and to encourage students from all academic tracks to continue to improve academically. According to the school’s core values Shelton High School expects students who read and write effectively, research effectively to investigate topics, think critically to solve problems, present information and ideas fluently and participate in civic life. In addition, SHS students are expected to follow the Gael Guidelines of respect, responsibility and safety. Students are acknowledged at the end of the first, second and third marking periods. Staff members nominate students who have demonstrated significant improvement in academics due to improved attendance, behavior, and/or a result of improving time management/study skills. The Recognition Breakfast was planned by the Guidance Department, who invited parents to share in the festivities.
Perfect Attendance
Shelton High School also recognized those students who had perfect attendance for quarter 3.
The following freshmen were presented with certificates by the high school administration on May 4, 2018: Brandon Acervida, Bhavik Badshah, Ryan Bailey, Corey Barber, Juan Miguel Barranco, Lauren Baudo, Olivia D’Addio, Shivani Darapureddy, Keyanah DePina, Rachel Dillon, Sean Drury, Akexis Jagodnik, Jessica Jayakar, Josiah Kellogg, Adeline Kim, Maximilian LoMonte, Nico Marini, Ryan Martorella, Connor McGuire, Michael Mourtadh, Elizabeth Porto, Samantha Rago, Nicholas Rego, Kevin Rudzinski, Reino Martin Sawan, Victoria Schildknecht, Giovana Silva, Julia Silva, Brendan Smith, Samuel Sung, Louis Tavernia III, Benjamin Van Tine, Alyssa Verdicchio, Ryan Woods.

The following sophomores were presented with certificates by the high school administration on May 4, 2018: Manal Aaid, David Adamson, Michael Brown, Robert Ciccone, William Ciccone, Brian Dahdal, Katelyn Davis, Jacob Daxner, Kaitlyn Esposito, Michael Giovannini, Katie Hunter, Jacob Iadarola, Lindsey Iadarola, Anoushka Jayasuriya, Teawon Kim, Aislynn Kostandi, Seungmin Lee, JunWen Lin, Jesse Lisi,Magdalena Martins, Michelle Marty, Eric Modica, Anni Motsikulashvili, Jack Neary, Christopher Nelson, Ryan Nettle, Martina Pastore, William Riordan, Michael Rodia, Megan Rodko, Sean Sampaio, Katherin Tapia, Jessica Wurms, Ananya Yadav.

The following juniors were presented with certificates by the high school administration on May 4, 2018: Christina Alberici, Amanda Bean, Gregory Beaudoin, Kade Bendici, Abigail Brand, Emily Broad, Matthew Cho, Amanda Corona, John DeRosa, Christopher Frost, Camerin Gumbs, Hasnain Haseeb, John Cristiane Ilano, Michael Kichar III, Skyler Kim, Zachary Kozlowski, Adam Krzywosz, Michael Kucky, Beyonce Lopez, Codi Lynders, Mariah Mandulak, Emily Marcinauskis, Robert Marcinauskis, Julia Meyer, Luke Notaro-Roberts, Joseph Piccirillo, NardinSayoufi, Rahel Schaffer, Joshua Sibley-Prusak, Kaylin Sorensen, Sarah Ullyett, Noah Vargoshe, Anna Weissenberg.

The following seniors were presented with certificates by the high school administration on May 4, 2018: Russell Blakeslee, Michael Burden, Derek Cerulli, Michael Davis, Marisa DeCiucis, Rebecca Fabrizi, Sarah Falsetti, Audrey Falsetti, Matthew Hunyadi, Ashley Jahng, Emily Lam, Kathleen Lasky, Caitlin McGuire, Joshua Mondi, Christian Rubio, Eric Silva, Deloshene Sittambalam, Jafar Vohra, Emily Yih.
