Just when you are looking for more things to occupy your children this summer, Shelton Historical Society offers Adventures in History, its enrichment program for boys and girls ages 7 – 12.
It will be held Aug. 6 to Aug. 10, from 9 a.m. to noon, at the Shelton History Center complex, 70 Ripton Road.
Disguised among playing forgotten games, creating useful objects using simple tools, and concocting wholesome snacks from fresh ingredients, participants will learn lessons about how life was during the early years of the 1900s.
Area educators volunteer to instruct the program. The cost of the program is $155/child for non-members. For Shelton Historical Society members, the cost is $120/child.
Registration is limited and forms are available online at www.sheltonhistoricalsociety.org August 1 is the deadline for registration.
There are six historic 19th century buildings, including the Brownson House, the Trap Fall School, and the Wilson Barn, that comprise Shelton History Center, located one-half mile north of the Huntington Green.
Shelton Historical Society personnel staff the facility and its research library, and care for its collections, aided by dedicated volunteers. The mission of the Shelton Historical Society is to preserve elements of the community’s history in order to create lasting and meaningful connections between Shelton’s past, present and future generations through education, maintaining a museum with its collections, and providing a voice in the community regarding matters of historical significance.
Children who participate in Adventures in History will become familiar with all the buildings as they make comparisons between their experiences and those of their ancestors. They just might have some old-fashioned fun, too!