Shelton Issues Snow Removal Update

COURTESY JODIE GILIn a press release Monday, Shelton City Hall acknowledged residents’ frustration over the protracted length of the snow removal process in the wake of Friday’s blizzard.

We are aware of your aggravation and urge patience and understanding in our efforts in clearing the roads,” the press release said.

The full text of the announcement is posted below, as is a PDF sent by City Hall on Shelton’s snow removal policies.

2:30 PM ON FEBRUARY 11, 2013

This blizzard has disrupted plans and caused frustration. Understanding your need to return to normal, the City of Shelton continues to work 24/7 on your behalf.

  • The severity of this storm requires contingent use of heavy construction equipment in conjunction with City plows and City crews.
  • The street cleaning plan is being followed however, it is taking longer than hoped.
  • Crews are working around the clock using all available resources, including outside contractors.
  • We are aware of your aggravation and urge patience and understanding in our efforts in clearing the roads.
  • Please stay off the roads so the crews can get the job done.
  • ROAD STATUS RIGHT NOW: Still some streets not plowed – main roads are passable.
  • Every attempt will be made to get at least one lane open on every street by tonight.
  • See snow policies attached.
  • Garbage and recycling is suspended until further notice.”

Shelton Snow Policies by ValleyIndyDotOrg

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