Shelton MOMS Club Donates Library Books

CONTRIBUTEDOn Tuesday, July 27, the MOMS Club of Huntington donated a collection of nine books to the children’s department of Plumb Memorial Library in Shelton.

The book titles and authors are as follows:

Red, Green, Blue: A First Book of Colors by Alison Jay

I’m the Best by Lucy Cousins

Potty Animals: — What to Know When you’ve Gotta Go! By Hope Vestergaard

Tap Tap Bang Bang by Emma Garcia

Magnus Maximus, A Marvelous Measurer by Kathleen Pelley

The Taming of Lola: —A shrew Story: A Picture Book in Five Acts by Ellen Weiss

Who Loves The Little Lamb? By Lezlie Evans

A Sick Day for Amos McGee by Philip Stead

Alligators and Crocodiles by Gail Gibbons

The MOMS Club is a nonprofit support organization for mothers. We have monthly calendars of activities for moms and their children. We also plan service projects to benefit our communities. If anyone would like more information about joining the Shelton/Monroe chapter of the MOMS Club, please contact Missy Lorant, VP Membership, at

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