Shelton Rehab Center Participates In Mock Facility Evacuation

Bishop Wicke Health and Rehabilitation Center at Wesley Village, offering skilled nursing and short-term rehab, recently participated in a mock facility evacuation. 

Conducted by the Connecticut Long Term Care Mutual Aid Plan (LTC-MAP), the purpose of the exercise was to evaluate the interaction of the LTC-MAP members in each region in preparation for internal events (fire, power failures) and external events (hurricanes, ice storms, tornadoes, etc.).

In this particular exercise, Bishop Wicke received mock residents (volunteers) from another Disaster Struck Facility.” The drill was designed to be as realistic as possible. The volunteers portrayed various resident personas and the staff at Bishop Wicke had to react to challenges accordingly. The 5‑star nursing home set up spaces for Operations, Planning and Logistics, Triage, Command Center and Surge Area as the disaster” struck. 
The drill tested the facility’s communication, tracking of evaluated residents and handling of a large influx of residents.
Debra Samorajczyk, Administrator at Bishop Wicke, explains, Emergency preparedness is key to providing a safe and secure living environment for our residents. We are proud to be able to collaborate with our local community partners and the LTC-MAP plan to ensure that we are ready in the event any disaster strikes.”
Bishop Wicke offers short-term rehab and skilled nursing care, including specialized programs for surgical recovery, orthopedics, cardiac and respiratory rehab, heart failure and more. The facility is located at 584 Long Hill Avenue in Shelton and is owned and operated by United Methodist Homes (UMH), a local, not-for-profit organization. For more information about Bishop Wicke, please visit or call 203.929.5321.

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