Shelton State Reps Tout GOP Budget Proposal

State Representatives Jason Perillo (R‑113) & Ben McGorty (R‑122) joined House and Senate Republicans today as they offered their plan, a Blueprint for Prosperity, which accomplishes what the governor could not: it does not increase taxes, is balanced, under the spending cap, restores funds to state hospitals and vital social service programs for the neediest, while instituting government reforms to save hundreds of millions in the coming two years.

The Republican proposal will benefit multiple socioeconomic interests: taxpayers, consumers, the developmentally disabled, businesses, non-profits, municipalities and hospitals.

This budget moves the state in a different direction than the governor has taken us over the past four years,” Perillo said. We are effectively ending the cycle of higher taxes and increased spending. We also offer important relief to Connecticut hospitals who have suffered under enormous tax hikes under governor Malloy.”

We have taken important and responsible steps in changing the direction of state government’s priorities,” McGorty said. In addition to restoring many of the cuts to important state services, we have also eliminated the state’s income tax on Social Security, something that has been an increasing burden on seniors wishing to remain in the state once they retire.”

The Shelton legislators said Republican leaders agree with Democrat leaders that the governor’s budget proposal is a non-starter. The Blueprint for Prosperity provides a biennial budget plan for Fiscal Years 2016 and 2017 and outlines a series of long-term initiatives to set Connecticut on a better path for smarter spending today and in the future. Republicans outlined major points in their proposal at a press conference today at the Legislative Office Building.

The balanced $39.49 billion biennial budget alternative calls for $630 million in wage freezes and other concessions from state employees including restrictions on overtime costs. It also caps borrowing.

The GOP budget proposal also: 

  • Eliminates cap on business tax credits
  • Eliminates the corporate tax surcharge in FY 2017
  • Restores the tax exemption on clothing and footwear under $50 starting June 1, 2016
  • Restores Medicaid Husky A to 12,100 individuals
  • Restores funding to the Regional Fire Training schools
  • Restores funding for Connecticut’s libraries
  • Restores funding for nutrition assistance
  • Restores burial benefits for indigent individuals
  • Reduces debt service by instituting a bond allocation cap
  • Increases contributions to pension plans from state employees

For more details on the Blueprint for Prosperity visit:

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