Shelton Teachers Assist PD With Training Room Spruce-Up

CONTRIBUTEDThe Shelton Police Department has recently upgraded its training room.

The upgrades included a new laptop computer and new projector. However, the room was dull and needed to be livened up.

Police reached out to the Shelton High School Career and Technical Education Department head Nancy Duff and asked for assistance.

Teachers Jeff Mackniak and Allison Pianka-Gray (pictured) recently finished the project for the police department.

The project was done with only a small cost incurred by the police department (materials).

I would personally like to thank Dr. Beth Smith and Nancy Duff for allowing Jeff and Allison to assist us with the training room,” Lt. Robert Kozlowsky, the police department’s spokesman, said in a prepared statement. This was a major step to improving our training center and it looks great.”

More improvements are planned for the training room.

Pictures of the training room provided by the police department are below.

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