Shelton Volunteer Fire Department Incident Responses
Submitted by Shelton Fire Marshall James Tortora
On 12/10/18 at 2:03 pm the Echo Hose Co. #1 and the White Hills Co. #5 responded to #83 Bridge Street for a car fire. There was no fire upon arrival of fire units. A rescue pumper responded.
On 12/10/18 at 4:50 pm the Huntington Fire Co. #3 responded to #95 Willoughby Road for a public service call. An engine and a utility truck responded.
On 12/11/18 at 00:26 am the Echo Hose Co. #1 and the Pine Rock Co. #4 responded to Sorge Industries at #289 Coram Road for a fire alarm activation. There was no fire. A ladder truck and a tower truck responded.
On 12/11/18 at 7:05 am the Huntington Fire Co. #3, Echo Hose Co. #1 and the Pine Rock Co. #4 responded to the Shoreline Animal Hospital at #895 Bridgeport Avenue. There was no fire. An engine responded.
On 12/11/18 at 12:25 pm the Huntington Fire Co. #3 and the Echo Hose Co. #1 responded to Commerce Drive at Enterprise Drive for a motor vehicle accident. A engine and a rescue pumper responded.
On 12/11/18 at 4:22 pm the Echo Hose Co. #1 responded to the area of #25 Wakelee Avenue for an electrical hazard; power line down in the road. Upon arrival firefighters found a telephone wire down not a power line. A unit responded.
On 12/11/18 at 6:28 pm the Huntington Fire Co. #3 and the Echo Hose Co. #1 responded to route 8 north bound at exit 12 for a motor vehicle accident. A engine and two rescue pumpers responded.
On 12/12/18 at 12:31 pm the Pine Rock Co. #4 and the Echo Hose Co. #1 responded to CCL Label Company at #15 Controls Drive for a fire alarm activation. There was no fire. A rescue pumper responded.
On 12/12/18 at 5:08 pm the Echo Hose Co. #1 and the White Hills Co. #5 responded to Coram Avenue and Bridge Street for an odor of natural gas in the area. Firefighters and gas company officials found a leak on nearby Wall Street. A rescue pumper and a ladder truck responded.
On 12/12/18 at 6:21 pm the Huntington Fire Co. #3 and the Echo Hose Co. #1 responded to route 8 north bound at exit 12 for a motor vehicle accident. An engine, a rescue pumper and a tower truck responded.
On 12/13/18 at 6:24 am the Echo Hose Co. #1 and the White Hills Co. #5 responded to #568 Howe Avenue for a fire alarm activation. There was no fire. a unit responded.
On 12/13/18 at 2:06 pm the fire department responded to #1 Corporate Drive to assist police with suspicious activity. Two units responded.
On 12/13/18 at 3:40 pm the fire department responded to #50 Bridge Street to assist police with suspicious activity. A unit responded.
On 12/13/18 at 3:46 pm Echo Hose Co. #1, White Hills Co. #5 and the Pine Rock Co. #4 responded to #38 Bridgeport Avenue for a report of a chimney fire. No chimney fire was found. Heavy smoke from a wood stove caused the call. An engine responded.
On 12/13/18 at 9:34 pm the Echo Hose Co. #1 and the Pine Rock Co. #4 responded to Center Stage at #54 Grove Street for a fire alarm activation. There was no fire. A engine, a rescue pumper and a ladder truck responded.
On 12/14/18 at 00:54 am the Huntington Fire Co. #3 and the Echo Hose Co. #1 responded to route 8 north bound at exit 12 for a motor vehicle accident. A engine and two rescue pumpers responded.
On 12/14/18 at 12:33 pm the Pine Rock Co. #4 responded to #409 Asbury Ridge for a carbon monoxide detector sounding. An engine responded.
On 12/14/18 at 3:13 pm the Huntington Fire Co. #3 responded to #161 Buddington Road for an illegal open burn. An engine responded.
On 12/14/18 at 5:22 pm the Huntington Fire Co. #3 and the Echo Hose Co. #1 responded to route 8 north bound at exit 12 for a motor vehicle accident. A engine and two rescue pumpers responded.
On 12/15/18 at 10:02 am the White Hills Co. #5 responded to #11 Frans Way for a carbon monoxide alarm activation. An engine responded.
On 12/15/18 at 11:19 am the Echo Hose Co. #1 responded to Coram Avenue at Myrtle Street for a motor vehicle accident. A engine and a rescue pumper responded.
On 12/15/18 at 11:27 am the White Hills Co. #5 responded to #107 saw Mill City Road for a leaking gas grille propane tank. An engine responded.
On 12/15/18 at 12:56 pm the Huntington Fire Co. #3, Echo Hose Co. #1 and the Pine Rock Co. #4 responded to #7 Acadia Lane for a dire alarm activation. A engine, a ladder truck and a rescue pumper responded.
On 12/15/18 at 8:13 pm the Echo Hose Co. #1 for an electrical hazard; power line down in the road. A tower truck responded.