Shelton Voters Network Looks To Educate, Engage Residents

is now the Shelton Voters Network, an affiliate of the Bridgeport Area League of Women Voters.

Like its affiliate, the Shelton Voters Network is nonpartisan. Its mission is to educate Shelton residents about the local government, engage Shelton residents in local decision making, and advocate for processes that ensure strong public input and transparency in the local government.

The group helps Shelton residents understand what is happening in the local government, so that residents can participate in the decisions that affect themselves and their neighbors.

The group launched a voter resource and information website in time for Shelton Day, when it more than doubled its contact list. The site,, includes information on upcoming elections, data on how the local government operates, contact information for elected officials, links to city documents, and a blog on current issues in Shelton.

Judy Carey, a member of the group, commented, Shelton Voters Network encourages voters to think about their comfort level for Shelton governance and encourages participation in every election to improve and update Shelton governance.”

The group first started meeting in late 2013. One year later, its members are younger, older, married, single, working, and retired, with a range of political views representing a crosssection of the Shelton community.

The Shelton Voters Network meets monthly and all are welcome. Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at Scinto Towers, 1 Corporate Drive, at 7:00 pm in the Tower One meeting room.


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