Experienced Fairfield County motorists can lower their auto insurance costs while improving their driving skills when they enroll in AAA’s Driver Improvement Program (DIP) classes that teach the basics of defensive driving and provide current driving practice updates.
AAA will conduct a four-hour class Tuesday, March 10 from 4 to 8 p.m. at the Shelton Senior Center, 81 Wheeler St.
Shelton Police Department Sgt. Pete Zaksewicz and Officer Mark Siglinger will conduct the class.
To register, click here, or call 203 – 937-2595, ext. 4684.
“Our program is aimed at drivers with several years of experience, who wish to improve or refresh their driving skills,” said Fran Mayko, AAA’s public affairs manager and DIP coordinator. “But there’s an even greater benefit to taking class if you’re over 60: you qualify for a discount of up to 5 percent on your auto insurance per Connecticut state law.”
To obtain discount, a driver must present their insurance company with a completion certificate from a state-approved class.
Some companies will also provide a discount to drivers aged 55 and older, but Mayko suggests motorists check with their individual carriers to determine age requirements and discount amounts.
AAA will mail certificates to participants following the class.