Vehicle Vandals In Shelton: A Cautionary Tale

People of Shelton: be on the lookout for two or more morons driving around in a dark sedan vandalizing vehicles parked on city streets.

The occupants of said car damaged at least two vehicles on Shelton’s Prospect Avenue about 1 a.m. Feb. 25, breaking taillights on the cars they drove by.

How do I know? One of the vehicles was mine.

What’s more, I saw the idiots in question drive down the street, but paid them no mind until I heard a loud THWACK sound as they drove past the first car they vandalized.

By the time I realized what had happened — and yelled a belated Hey!” at the offenders after they hit my car — they sped off, turning east down Hill Street.

I’ve always told myself that if I ever witnessed a crime or an accident take place, I’d immediately go into full reporter mode, noting license plate numbers, vehicle descriptions, and other details I’d be able to report to police.

But when the chips were down last week, none of that happened.

Despite years of working as a reporter, observing things and then conveying them to others, I could only provide the vague description of the vehicle mentioned in the first paragraph.

I called police, and an officer was on the scene almost immediately, but the miscreants were gone.

So if you notice anything similar taking place, please be a better observer than I was, and call Shelton Police at 203 – 924-1544.

I am also offering a reward of a free coffee at Safari Caffeine Lounge for information leading to the apprehension and conviction of those responsible.

Keep local reporting alive.