Submitted by Fire Marshal James M. Tortora
On 12/21/20 at 7:53 am the Echo Hose Co. #1 and the Pine Rock Co. #4 responded with an engine and a rescue truck to a motor vehicle accident on South Constitution Boulevard near Plaskon Drive.
On 12/21/20 at 8:39 am the Huntington Co. #3 and the White Hills Co. #5 responded with an engine to a motor vehicle accident on Cloverdale Avenue at Rosedale Circle.
On 12/21/20 at 10:18 am the Echo Hose Co. #1 and the Pine Rock Co. #4 responded with an engine and a ladder truck to a fire alarm activation at the Cedar Village at Carroll’s Condominiums at #320 Howe Avenue. There was no fire. Smoke from cooking caused the alarm.
On 12/21/20 at 7:18 pm the Huntington Co. #3 and the White Hills Co. #5 responded with an engine to the Community Residence at #9 Brentley Drive for a fire alarm activation. There was no fire. Smoke from cooking caused the alarm.
On 12/22/20 at 03:33 am the Pine Rock Co. #4 and the Echo Hose Co. #1 responded with a ladder truck to a fire alarm activation at #88 Long Hill Cross Road. There was no fire.
On 12/22/20 at 2:38 pm the Huntington Co. #3 responded with a rescue truck to assist EMS at #26 Ballaro Drive.
On 12/23/20 at 04:10 am the Echo Hose Co. #1 and the White Hills Co. #5 responded with a ladder truck and a utility truck to assist EMS at #603 Howe Avenue.
On 12/23/20 at 9:16 am the White Hills Co. #5 responded with an engine to #7 Sagamore Road for a carbon monoxide alarm activation.
On 12/23/20 at 12::45 pm the Echo Hose Co. #1 and the Pine Rock Co. #4 responded with a unit to the Housatonic River under route 8 to investigate a sheen on the river.
On 12/23/20 at 4:43 pm the Echo Hose Co. #1 and the Pine Rock Co. #4 responded with a unit to the Housatonic River under route 8 to investigate a sheen on the river. It was determined to be the same sheen as reported earlier.
On 12/24/20 at 3:00 pm the White Hills Co. #5 responded with an engine to #12 Henry Drive for a carbon monoxide alarm activation.
On 12/24/20 at 5:30 pm the Pine Rock Co. #4 and the Echo Hose Co. #1 responded with an engine and a ladder truck to a fire alarm activation at #5 Wintergreen Lane. There was no fire. Smoke from cooking caused the alarm.
On 12/24/20 at 5:34 pm the Huntington Co. #3 and the White Hills Co. #5 responded with a ladder truck to #48 Applewood Drive for a fire alarm activation. There was no fire. Smoke from cooking caused the alarm.
On 12/24/20 at 11:38 pm the Echo Hose Co. #1 and the Pine Rock Co. #4 responded with unit to #81 Hill Street for a fire alarm activation.
On 12/25/20 at 1:58 pm the Huntington Co. #3 and the White Hills Co. #5 responded with an engine and a ladder truck to #74 North Street for a fire alarm activation. There was no fire.
On 12/225/20 at 5:23 pm the Huntington Co. #3 and the Echo Hose Co. #1 responded with an engine to a gas detector activation at #384 Woodridge.
On 12/25/20 at 7:48 pm the Echo Hose Co. #1 and the Pine Rock Co. #4 responded with unit to the area of #179 Hillside Avenue for a report of an explosion. Nothing was found by firefighters.
On 12/26/20 at 11:07 am the Echo Hose Co. #1 and the Huntington Co. #3 responded with a rescue truck to a motor vehicle accident on route 8 south bound near exit 12.
On 12/26/20 at 11:48 pm the Huntington Co. #3 responded with an engine to Mohegan Road near High Ridge Road for a low hanging wire.
On 12/27/20 at 7:36 pm the Huntington Co. #3, Echo Hose Co. #1 and the Pine Rock Co. #4 responded with an engine and a ladder truck to a fire alarm activation at the Hilton Garden Inn at #25 Old Stratford Road. There was no fire.
On 12/28/20 at 8:37 am the Huntington Co. #3 responded with an engine to #219 Deer Run Lane for a small fuel oil spill.
On 12/28/20 at 12:30 pm the Echo Hose Co. #1 responded with a rescue truck to #46 Woonsocket Avenue for an activated carbon monoxide alarm.
On 12/29/20 at 8:17 am the Huntington Co. #3 responded with a rescue truck to #37 Windsor Road for a carbon monoxide alarm activation.On 12/29/20 at 8:50 am the Echo Hose Co. #1 and the Pine Rock Co. #4 responded with an engine, two ladder trucks and a rescue truck to a fire alarm activation at the Spooner House at #30 Todd Road. Upon arrival firefighters found a fire in a clothes dryer on the second floor. The fire was extinguished in minutes. There were no injuries. The building occupants were evacuated safely and allowed to enter shortly thereafter.
ON 12/29/20 at 11:28 pm the White Hills Co. #5 and the Huntington Co. #3 responded with a unit to assist EMS with a patient that had fallen from a roof at #14 Sachem Drive.
On 12/29/20 at 4:24 pm the Pine Rock Co. #4 and the Echo Hose Co. #1 responded to a motor vehicle accident on River Road at Long Hill Avenue.
ON 12/30/20 at 9:34 am the Huntington Co. #3 responded with a rescue truck to #228 Booth Hill Road for a carbon monoxide alarm activation.
On 12/30/20 at 10:30/20 at 10:39 am the Huntington Co. #3 and the Echo Hose Co. #1 responded with an engine and a ladder truck to a fire alarm activation at the Davita Dialysis Center at #750 Bridgeport Avenue. There was no fire.
On 12/30/20 at 4:47 pm the Huntington Co. #3 and the Echo Hose Co. #1 responded with an engine and a rescue truck to a report of a car fire on route 8 south bound near exit 11. Firefighters responded but found no fire.
On 12/30/20 at 1:12 pm the Echo Hose Co. 31 responded with a unit to assist EMS on route 8 south bound near exit 13.
On 12/31/20 at 7:24 am the Echo Hose Co. #1 and the Pine Rock Co. #4 responded with an engine to a report of a garbage truck on fire in the area of #500 Bridgeport Avenue. No fire was found.
On 12/31/20 at 8:07 am the Echo Hose Co. #1 and the Huntington Co. #3 responded with a rescue truck to a motor vehicle accident on route 8 south bound near exit 12.
On 12/31/20 at 12:36 pm the Echo Hose Co. #1 and the Huntington Co. #3 responded with an engine and a rescue truck to a motor vehicle accident on Bridgeport Avenue at Long Hill Cross Road.
On 12/31/20 at 3:23 pm the Pine Rock Co. #4 and the Echo hose Co. #1 responded with an engine to #59 Keron Drive for a fire alarm activation. There was no fire.
On 12/31/20 at 4:57 pm the Echo Hose Co. #1 and the White Hills Co. #5 responded with an engine to an odor of gas in the building at #636 Howe Avenue.
On 12/31/20 at 7:37 pm the Echo Hose Co. #1 and the Pine Rock Co. #4 responded with an engine and a ladder truck to a fire alarm activation at the Wild Kanji Restaurant at #514 Bridgeport Avenue. There was no fire.
On 01/03/21 at 03:32 am the Echo Hose Co. #1 and the White Hills Co. #5 responded with an engine to a fire alarm activation at the Sinsabaugh Heights Housing Complex at #187 Meadow Street. There was no fire.
On 01/03/21 the Echo Hose Co. #1 and the White Hills Co. #5 responded with a ladder truck to a fire alarm activation at the Brickwalk Condo’s at #159 Center Street. There was no fire.