Guest Column: Mayor Dugatto On The Right Track


As a relative newcomer to Derby (2010), I am not in” the local politics. I don’t personally know any Aldermen. Like every homeowner, though, I do have an interest in improving the economics, the safety, and the beauty of this city.

From my perspective, Mayor Anita Dugatto, now in her second term, has been steadily making progress in cleaning up blighted spaces, bringing Derby’s finances under control, and ensuring that future plans – such as the downtown redevelopment project – are carefully reviewed and in the city’s best interest.

Imagine my surprise, then, to read about the Democrats’ secret vote to replace Mayor Dugatto with Carmen DiCenso, President of the Board of Aldermen, on the ballot this November. Although that plan was nixed by the state Democratic Central Committee, there will now be a primary (Tuesday, September 12) to select the Democratic candidate for mayor.

In recent weeks, I’ve read letters and guest columns attacking Mayor Dugatto’s record and her actions. It has the appearance of a carefully coordinated smear campaign. I don’t like it.

For over three years, everything seemed to be running smoothly. Now, with an election coming up, Dugatto can’t do anything right?

Mayor Dugatto has painstakingly pieced together the financial issues facing Derby. Downtown redevelopment is starting behind schedule? That’s fine with me if it means all of the options have been carefully considered, if it means Route 34 is safe for traffic and pedestrians alike, if it means we aren’t throwing money around haphazardly. The plan we have now has been properly vetted. It has one developer already invested. And it has earned a $5 million investment from the State of Connecticut.

In his guest column (“Mayor Dugatto Is Not Following the Rules,” August 4), challenger DiCenso accuses the Mayor of making decisions on her own and not communicating with the Board of Aldermen/Alderwomen. Remember that communication works two ways. I expect all of my elected officials to be able to find ways to work together for the betterment of my city.

I would like to see Mr. DiCenso’s next letter to be about how his past experience has prepared him for future roles – in essence, a job application. What I don’t want to see is another laundry list of complaints. (After all, a large part of politics is diplomacy.)

Until that time, I maintain, from my perspective as a citizen, that Mayor Dugatto is doing her job, and I will be glad to vote for her once again.

Views expressed in guest columns (aka letters to the editor’) and press releases do not reflect the views of The Valley Indy has a strict 550-word limit on guest columns.

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