A sincere thank you to all first responders and emergency personnel in the Town of Oxford for your efforts during the near disaster of Hurricane Irene.
Coordinated efforts of our Emergency Management Director, members of our Police Department, Public Works, Fire and Ambulance Corps, Red Cross and local volunteers before, during and up to this moment have been centered on keeping our residents safe and meeting their immediate needs.
The challenges faced by members of our community were unprecedented as the damage incurred was widespread and came in many different forms. Oxford was faced with severe flooding on the Housatonic River and along the Little River, electric and phone wires came down throughout town, trees completely or partially blocked major roads and a gas line was compromised shooting flames 40 feet into the air. Lines of communication were compromised leaving all of us scrambling to get the word out to our residents.
The CodeRed emergency communication system was used almost a dozen times throughout the storm events. Personal property was damaged to varying degrees.
Challenges such as the storm we have just witnessed, can bring a community together and can bring out the very best in people, working together for the good of all. This was the case in Oxford. Our residents proved to be strong and resilient while dealing with the inconveniences faced during the storm events.
An emergency shelter was opened at the Oxford High School which ran on generator power and was manned by the Red Cross and volunteers from several organizations and by individuals. Food, water and finally ice were provided by the Red Cross, FEMA and through the town’s ingenuity. Showers were available.
The three fire houses posted signs at their outside spigots so residents could draw water. Town leaders worked day and night to oversee all activities assisted by dedicated staff, not for the publicity but just doing their jobs. So much more was done that this limited space does not allow me to report.
Thank you to all for your patience and assistance — you can be proud of your unselfish efforts for the good of our town.