Administrators: Ansonia Test Scores Headed In Right Direction

Ansonia students in Grades 3 – 8 scored more than 6% higher in math and more than 3% higher in English language arts, compared to scores from one year ago. The increases were the highest the district has experienced since the inception of the new state tests, called the Smarter Balanced Assessment.

The State Department of Education released the results of the Smarter Balanced Assessments last week. Students took the tests during the month of May. In Ansonia, the percentage of students who scored at the proficient level in math increased this year to 30, up 6.33 % from 23.67 in 2017. The average percentage of student growth in English language arts who scored at the proficient level or higher increased by 3.67 % to 37.83, up from 34.17 in 2017. 

This was a collective effort from all stakeholders to produce these remarkable results,” said Dr. Carol Merlone, Superintendent, and Dr. Joseph DiBacco, Assistant Superintendent. We applaud the parents for their never-ending support, the teachers for their hard work and perseverance and the building principals for working collaboratively in developing instructional plans to increase student achievement.”

Bridget Calabrese and John LaRovera, who are the district’s administrators in charge of language arts, social studies, math and science, provided the following district highlights of the SBAC test results for Ansonia students: 

  • On the Smarter Balanced assessment for English language arts, Ansonia Public Schools saw significant growth in two grade levels: grade 5 (+5%) and grade 8 (+18%).
  • On the Smarter Balanced assessment for Math, Ansonia Public Schools saw significant growth in two grade levels: grade 3 (+15%) and grade 8 (+18%).
  • In grade 3 across the district, 52% of students scored at the proficient level or higher in math and 47% of students scored at the proficient level or higher in English language arts.

These results arrive on the heels of the state’s recent release of the SAT in early June. The SAT is now the state required test for all juniors in public schools in Connecticut. Ansonia’s students improved their math scores by 15 points and their English language art scores by 11 points, for a total increase of 26 points.

2015 – 2016

Math: 448
ELA: 476
Overall: 924

2016 – 2017

Math: 446
ELA: 478
Overall: 924

2017 – 2018

Math: 461
ELA: 489
Overall: 950

During the months of February and March, Ansonia High School students participated in a Saturday SAT prep class, which was funded by Ansonia’s Alliance Grant. Students were scheduled to take the test in March; however, a snowstorm closed schools throughout the majority of the state, and most students took the test in April.

Real progress takes time,” Dr. Merlone and Dr. DiBacco stated. The test scores we are announcing today are a positive sign that we will continue to steadily head in the right direction. We’ve taken a deliberate, inclusive and transparent approach to develop curricula and instructional plans as well as changes to our assessment administration.”

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