American Legion Program Teaches Derby Students Democracy Fundamentals

Javier Varas and Nathaniel Bartone

Last month The American Legion Boy’s State program was held at Eastern Connecticut State University in Willimantic. 

This program provides an opportunity for students to learn about the democratic process by forming their own party, establishing a party platform and electing city, town and state officials. This is a great experience for students interested in government. 

Students attending the weeklong program from Derby High School for Boy’s State are pictured left to right, Javier Varas and Nathaniel Bartone. 

The American Legion Girl’s State program was held at Post University in Waterbury. American Legion Auxiliary Laurel Girl’s State Students attending the weeklong program from Derby High School are pictured left to right Christina Carloni, and Alyssa Meneo. 

Christina Carloni and Alyssa Meneo

Pictured below is the Guidance Staff as well as the Boys State / Girls State participant’s. Left to right, Jennifer Ostrosky, Guidance Staff, Javier Varas, Christina Caroloni, Alyssa Meneo, Natheniel Bartone and Guidance Counselor Brian Nutcher. 

The American Legion Post #24, The American Legion Auxiliary Unit #24 and the participating students express their appreciation to the contributing sponsors: Valley Community Foundation, Friends of Russ Fund Inc., The American Legion Post #24 and The American Legion Auxiliary Unit #24.

Left to right, Jennifer Ostrosky, Guidance Staff, Javier Varas, Christina Caroloni, Alyssa Meneo, Natheniel Bartone and Guidance Counselor Brian Nutcher.

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