Ansonia Charter Revision Public Hearing Aug. 10

Want to weigh in on the way Ansonia city government operates?

Attend a public hearing scheduled for Monday, Aug. 10 in the Aldermanic Chambers in Ansonia City Hall and let your opinions be known.

The city’s Charter Revision Commission is holding a public hearing starting at 7:45 p.m. City Hall is at 253 Main St.

A city charter essentially acts as a blueprint for the structure and function of a local government.

Who has the final say on what the tax rate will be? Can residents vote on the budget? How many Aldermen are there?

All the answers are spelled out — in detail — inside the city charter.

The city’s Aldermen created a five-member Charter Revision Commission last month but had to rescind those appointments at a special meeting July 30 because they violated a state law that limits how many public officials can serve on such a commission.

The Aldermen then appointed a new, six-member Charter Revision Commission. The members are:

  • Sue Guliuzza, unaffiliated
  • Joseph Cassetti, Democrat
  • Lorie Vaccaro, Republican
  • David Blackwell Jr., Republican
  • Leonard Duffus, unaffiliated
  • Maritza Clas, Democrat

Aldermen have directed the commission to look into four specific issues:

  • Creating permanent savings account for worker’s compensation benefits, employee retirement accruals and post-employment benefits;
  • Eliminating the position of city treasurer;
  • Requiring an annual contribution be made to city pension funds;
  • Requiring an itemized record of all city and school spending to be available on the city’s website.

However, anything under the local government sun could come in the commission’s review of the charter.

After the commission makes recommendations for changes, the recommendations would be put to another public hearing — and any changes would ultimately need to be approved by Ansonia voters.

Monday’s public hearing is simply that — to listen to the public talk about the charter.

The commission will hold a short, organizational” meeting immediately before the hearing, and will hold a regular meeting after the hearing to talk about any suggestions brought up by residents.

Click here to read the Ansonia Charter.

The agendae for Monday’s meetings are posted below.

Charter Revision Notices

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