Ansonia Community Emergency Response Team Info Meeting Feb. 18.

The Ansonia Rescue Medical Service and the Ansonia Office of Emergency Management will sponsor a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Training to begin March 5, 2013. 

The training is free to applicants (14 years of age and older) and preference will be given to Ansonia residents, as class size is limited; senior citizens are also encouraged to participate. No experience in emergency services is required. 

The training focuses on disaster preparedness and emergency response skills, as well as special training to aid in sheltering during an emergency.

An informational meeting will take place on Monday, February 18, 2013 (Snow date Wednesday, February 20, 2013) at the Ansonia Rescue & Medical Services HQ beginning at 6:30 p.m. for those interested. 

Class size is limited.
The CERT training is scheduled for Tuesday and Thursday evenings from March 5 to March 28, 2013 at the Ansonia Rescue Medical Service Headquarters, 22 West Main Street from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Graduates of the program who join the Ansonia CERT team will be issued CERT identification and a backpack with basic equipment. After completion of training, members will be qualified to assist in operating a shelter during a major emergency as well as supporting emergency responders in various roles. 

The Ansonia team members will also be eligible to participate in additional CERT training events in Connecticut.

In times of disasters we find our City’s emergency services, namely police, fire, medical services & public works are taxed to the limit. By implementing CERT in Ansonia, we can supplement city services by training CERT members to help with vital tasks,” said Jared Heon, Chief of Ansonia Rescue Medical Services.

The Community Emergency Response Team is a program of the Citizen Corps, a nationwide program supported by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the Connecticut Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection. The purpose of CERT and the Citizen Corps is to train community members in emergency preparedness to support local emergency responders as volunteers with disaster relief and community safety. The Ansonia Citizen Corps will work with the City of Ansonia’s Office of Emergency Management.

The State-approved curriculum for basic training includes Disaster Preparedness, Fire Safety, Disaster Medical Operations, Light Search and Rescue, CERT Organization, Disaster Psychology, and Terrorism. In addition, classes will be given in sheltering, which is critical when people need to be evacuated to a local shelter.

For more information and registration forms: contact Assistant Chief David Geloso, (ACERT) Coordinator, at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) or by telephone at (203) 410‑7372.

Applications are available at Ansonia City Hall, Town & City Clerk’s Office, Ansonia Rescue & Medical Service Headquarters, Ansonia Police Department or online at

Applications should be dropped off at the Ansonia Rescue Medical Services Headquarters or mailed to: ACERT, PO Box 149, Ansonia CT 06401 no later than February 28, 2013 as advanced registration is required. 

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