Ansonia Educator Wins Statewide Award

Sherrod McNeill, the assistant principal of Ansonia’s Prendergast Elementary School, has been named the Elementary Assistant Principal of The Year by the Connecticut Association of Schools (CAS), the school district announced on Facebook Tuesday (Dec. 2).

According to a letter sent to McNeill by CAS awards chairman Paul Newton, McNeill ​“has demonstrated extraordinary leadership and an unrivaled commitment to his students, school and community.”

The school district posted in a message on Facebook that ​“it’s truly a privilege to be a colleague of Mr. Sherrod McNeill, Connecticut’s Assistant Principal of the Year. We are so proud of him to have achieved such a high award for our school system!”

Superintendent Carol Merlone also offered congratulations to McNeill in a letter posted to Facebook.

“As an instructional leader of Prendergast School, Mr. McNeill lives his dream of making a difference in the lives of both his students and teachers,” Merlone said. ​“Setting the bar very high for his students and staff, Mr. NcNeill keeps student learning as the central focus and works diligently with teachers to improve school learning.”

McNeill and other CAS award winners will be honored at a ceremony next October.

The text of Newton’s letter, as posted by the school district, is below.

December 1, 2014

Sherrod McNeill, Assistant Principal
Prendergast Elementary School
59 Finney Street
Ansonia, CT 06401

Dear Sherrod:

On behalf of the Connecticut Association of Schools (CAS), I would like to congratulate you on being selected as our state’s 2015 Elementary Assistant Principal of the Year! It is a fitting tribute to a man who has demonstrated extraordinary leadership and an unrivaled commitment to his students, school and community.

As Connecticut’s Elementary Assistant Principal of the Year, you and your fellow state assistant principals of the year — one at the middle level and one at the high school level — will be honored by CAS at a recognition event in October of 2015. The reception will be held at Saint Clements Castle in Portland and we will provide you with more details about the event as soon as they have been finalized. 

We will be forwarding your application to the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) which will be issuing an awards certificate and disseminating a document showcasing the best practices of elementary assistant principals of the year from across the nation. 

In the next few weeks, the CAS office will issue a press release which will be sent to all of the newspapers — both large and small — in the greater Ansonia area. Meanwhile, we encourage your school and/or district to engage in any efforts to publicize your award locally. 

Again, I congratulate you on your achievement and look forward to having an opportunity to extend my congratulations to you in person.


Paul Newton, Chair
Awards and Recognition Committee

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