A “before” picture of East Main Street Gateway landscaping completed this week

A “after” picture of East Main Street Gateway landscaping completed this week.
For years, most communities throughout the state have offered successful Adopt-A-Spot programs which offer select parcels of public property to be maintained privately.
Today, Mayor Dave Cassetti launches Ansonia’s first such program.
“It’s a program I’ve been wanting to initiate for some time,” said Cassetti. “Like other towns, I envision this growing quickly in popularity here.
“Bottom line is, it creates desired community beautification involvement, and will reduce the amount of public works manpower hours needed annually for these sites, and redirect those hours elsewhere, such as parks and other infrastructure maintenance and improvement.”
The basic overview of Ansonia’s Adopt-A-Spot is an individual, civic group, business or other, agree to volunteer consistent maintenance of a pre-determined city property including weeding, litter pickup, possible mowing, pruning, flower planting, etc.
In exchange, the City will erect an attractive and visible Adopt-A-Spot sign which includes site sponsor name and/or business logo. Sites are high traffic areas. Those interested are also welcome to submit other locations for consideration not shown on the adoption target list. Sites can be maintained by sponsors or outsourced to a third party landscaper.
Four sites have already been privately adopted including a “pending adoption.”
The City has undergone a major “Clean & Green” initiative under Constituent Services Director Greg Martin and Mayor Cassetti. Twice annually citywide volunteer litter cleanups in spring and fall debuted in 2017; hundreds of graffiti tags were removed in fall ’17; a 50-count graffiti tag removal is schedule later this month; and a major landscaping project on the Armory grounds hill began earlier this week. The Armory project is being sponsored in full by ION Bank, Regional Water Authority and Southern Connecticut Dental Group.
Initial Adopt-A-Spot sites listed below. For a complete overview of the program, please visit www.cityofansonia.com or contact Greg at Mayor Cassetti’s office: 203 – 736-5963 or gmartin@ansoniact.org