The moment that Ansonia’s Martin Passander of Ansonia revealed a $1,000 prize next to the “20X” symbol that appeared on his CT Lottery “20X Cash” scratch game ticket left him utterly speechless.
It meant, quite simply, that in one fell swoop Passander was a $20,000 top prize winner.
“I saw the ‘20X’ symbol and then scratched away the prize area — it was $1,000. That’s $20,000! I almost died,” Passander said with a chuckle. “I’ve won [smaller] prizes before, but nothing like this had ever happened to me. I was in disbelief!”
The CT Lottery’s “20X Cash” game is part of a series of scratch games that feature the “X” prize multiplier symbol. When Passander revealed a “20X” symbol, his $1,000 prize was instantly multiplied 20 times for a spectacular $20,000 win.
Passander, who has been employed as a manufacturing machinist at BIC for over 35 years, quietly shared with Lottery officials a couple thoughts about how he may enjoy spending his unexpected win. “I might take a little vacation, and also help my daughter out. I have two grandkids.”
For selling Passander his top prize winning ticket, Main Street Shell, located at 696 Main St. in Ansonia, will receive a $200 bonus check from the CT Lottery.
The overall chances of winning a 20X Cash prize are 1 in 4.08. Of the 112 top prizes in the game, 71 remain to be claimed.