Ansonia Nature Center JUNE 2018
Join Nature Center Director Alison Rubelmann and Ranger Daniel Bosques for this morning walk. Discover the beauty of the Nature Center’s typical New England woodland during the CT Forest and Park Association’s annual Trails Day weekend. We might get lucky and find a lady slipper or two. This moderate hike will also focus on the history of the land, and we will visit the settlement of the Paugasucks. Bring water, a snack, and bug spray, and wear sturdy shoes. Suitable for older children and adults. FREE.
If you’re a FANCI member who can’t make the regular meetings, now is the time to find out what we’ve been up to! Reports and the election of officers will take place. Bring your own table setting and a dish to share (12 servings), and your ideas and suggestions for next year’s activities. Please register in advance.
Classroom instruction: Sat. June 9, 9 am – 11 am
Fishing at Colony Pond: Tues. June 12, 5:30 pm – 8 pm
The Nature Center is sponsoring this CT Department of Energy & Environmental Protection C.F.E.P. (Connecticut Fishing Education Program) Family Fishing Class. The classroom instruction will be held on June 9 at the Nature Center; fishing with the instructors and DEEP representatives will take place at Colony Pond in Ansonia on June 12. All equipment and bait will be provided. Adults over the age of 16 must have a fishing license to participate in the fishing event. Please pre-register for this FREE program, open to 7 years old and up; children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.
Join Rangers Jessica and Dawn on an epic foraging adventure. Together we will explore the wilds of the Nature Center’s property to learn about and harvest wild edible plants. The program will conclude with tasting prepared wild edible treats like garlic mustard pesto, knotweed crumble and dandelion fritters back at the building. For adults and children ages 9 and up. FEE: $6 per person. Please pre-register.
SURVIVAL SCHOOL: Stay Dry, Stay Warm! – Sun. June 10, 10 am – 1 pm
One of the basic necessities for a survival situation is shelter. Staying dry goes hand in hand with keeping warm. Join Ranger Dan in scouting for a suitable place to build a shelter, and help construct a hideaway made from the surroundings. Learning this survival skill is a great reason to get out into nature! Be advised: We will be traveling off-trails, so insect awareness and terrain are your own consideration. Ages 14 and up. Class size limited, so you must pre-register. FEE: $10 per person.
Do you have a child aged 8 – 12 with autism and other developmental delays? Would you like to join a group playtime that meets once a month? Gently led by Ranger Amie, we will explore ways to introduce your child to playing indoors and outdoors at the Nature Center. Activities include meeting animal friends, taking a walk or easy hike, and nature crafts. Playtime begins at 2:30 pm and ends at 4:30 pm (or however long your child would like to stay). Please arrive on time. We will meet inside at the small classroom; children must be accompanied by an adult for the duration of the class. FREE. Pre-registration required; group limited to 10 children with adult. Activity, Insect Safari.
FIELD TRIP: Earth Tones Native Plant Nursery – Sat. June 16, 10 am (meet at nursery, 9:45 am)
Join the Nature Center for a field trip to Earth Tones Native Plant Nursery in Woodbury. We will be provided a guided tour as we walk enjoying this beautiful rustic setting. Learn about New England’s grasses, ferns, perennials, shrubs and trees and how you can create an amazing landscape using natives. If you’re looking for plants that flourish without synthetic pesticides, rarely need watering, provide food and habitat for wildlife, be sure to bring some shopping money. Space is limited so pre-registration is required. For directions, visit www.earthtonesnatives.com. We will meet in the parking area at the nursery at 9:45 a.m.
CREATURE FEATURE: Meet Our Scaly Friends – Sat. June 16, 12 noon
Snakes, lizards, and turtles, oh my! Come learn about the Nature Center’s non-native and native reptiles. Get a chance to even touch some during the program. Take a short walk around the pond and to our snake boards to see what native species you can observe here in the park. This program is for all ages. FREE; please register in advance.
Register now for SUMMER NATURE DAYS!
Choose one or both of our week-long sessions, each held Mon. – Fri., 9 am to 3 pm.
Dates: Aug. 6 – 10, Aug. 13 – 17.
For children 6 to 11 years old who love the outdoors and wildlife, these popular classes are not only educational but also a chance to explore the park’s 156 acres. We will visit a variety of habitats in the park such as wetlands, fields, and woodlands. Hikes, games, crafts, and cooking will be incorporated into our lessons. A great choice for a fun late-summer experience!
TUITION PER WEEK: $150 priority students (Ansonia residents and current family-level FANCI members), $175 all others.
Saturdays Creature Features – 12 noon
Come to meet our furry, scaly, and feathery animal ambassadors. You’ll have the chance to touch and hold them in this FREE family program for all ages.
Sundays Guided Hikes 1 pm
Join a Nature Center guide on Sunday afternoons for fun, exercise, and learning about our trails! See the above listings for hikes with a specific theme.
Mondays Night Trail Run, 5:30 pm
This is a call to all of the runners who want something that is out of the ordinary. Ranger Dan will lead you through our 156-acre network of trails while you burn off the weekend’s extra calories. We guarantee that this FREE program is the best way to start off your week.
Please pre-register and wear appropriate footwear
Tuesdays Family Organic Garden Program, 3:30 – 5 pm
We’ll lead fun, family-friendly activities in our organic garden. Learn about growing a variety of fruits and vegetables. Dress appropriately; you will get water and/or soil on your clothing. FREE, with the potential to take home fresh local produce!
Pet Loss Grief Support Group – By appointment
Losing a beloved animal can be tragic and a very emotional time for humans. There are numerous resources to turn to for the loss of a human loved one; however, there are limited options for when we lose an animal. Susan Wilson has created this FREE support group for those who have lost an animal or have one in the process of moving on. Please call Susan at 1 – 802-379‑4449 to set up an appointment.