Info from the Ansonia Nature Center, 10 Deerfield Road in Ansonia.
To register for all events please call 203 736 1053.
SURVIVAL SCHOOL: Fire in the Rain – Sat. May 5, 10 am – 1 pm
Have you ever wondered how people on the frontier kept warm on a wet day? Fire starting is a craft which can be learned! Ranger Dan will help you sharpen these skills. Come to try your hand at striking a piece of flint against steel and harness a force from nature while the very elements work against you. This class will take place outdoors; be prepared for the weather. For ages 14 and up. Class size is limited to 8, so please pre-register at 203 736‑1053 FEE: $10 per person.
MONDAY NIGHT TRAIL RUN- Mondays in May at 5:30
This is a call to all of the runners who want something that is out of the ordinary! Ranger Dan will lead you through our 156-acre network of trails while you burn off the weekend’s extra calories. We guarantee that this FREE program is the best way to start off your week. Please pre-register 203 736‑1053 and please wear appropriate footwear.
NATURE EXPLORERS – Wednesdays, May 9, 16, 23, 30; 10 am
Join our 4 week program for children ages 2 – 5 and their adult explorer. Enjoy exploring nature every week! The classes are loosely structured and influenced by the seasons and interest of the children. We will go outside for a short hike and to explore nature every class so please dress for the weather. Classes will end with a light snack (provided or bring your own) and conversation. TUITION: $40 for all 4 weeks, space permitting (cash or check payable to Ansonia Nature Center) due at first class. Class is limited to 10 children. Please call to register: 203 – 736-1053.
MIGRATORY BIRD WALK: Wandering for Warblers – Sat. May 12, 8 am
The gems of the New England forest are returning! Join Ranger Jessica on this morning walk looking for these small colorful migratory birds. Travel through our fields and forests and along the edge of our two-acre pond habitat in search of our returning warbler friends. You will have Jessica’s 15 years of birding experience on your side to help you find these delightful birds. For ages 9 and up. Children must be accompanied by an adult. FREE. Please register 203 736 – 105 class size limited.
Join us in making these wonderful bath bombs for the mother in your life. Each attendee will make a batch of their own, learn how to mold them, and prepare them as gifts. For 8 years old and up.
MATERIALS FEE: $12 per person. Please pre-register.736‑1053
NATURE AND PLAY FOR CHILDREN WITH AUTISM AND OTHER DEVELOPMENTAL DELAYS – Sun. May 13, 2:30 pm Session 2 activity: Flowers, Flowers Everywhere! Do you have a child aged 8 – 12 with autism and other developmental delays? Would you like to join a group playtime that meets once a month? Gently led by Ranger Amie, we will explore ways to introduce your child to playing indoors and outdoors at the Nature Center. Activities include meeting animal friends, taking a walk or easy hike, and nature crafts. Playtime begins at 2:30 pm and ends at 4:30 pm (or however long your child would like to stay). Please arrive on time. We will meet inside at the small classroom; children must be accompanied by an adult for the duration of the class.
FREE. Pre-registration required; 736‑1053, group limited to 10 children with adult.
MASTER GARDENERS: Native Plants – Sat. May 19, 10 am
Join Master Gardener Janis Underwood and discover the importance of Connecticut’s native plants. She will take you on a guided walk to our native woodland garden and medicinal/edible bioswale. This FREE program is geared for adults. Please pre-register 203 736‑1053
Allan Madahbee is a registered Ojibway (Chippewa) Indian who has pursued the traditional music, arts, and crafts of his ancestors, creating paintings, flutes, beaded moccasins, wood carvings, Native American regalia, and rock sculptures. Allan participated in the making of the short filmQuinnetukut: Life In The Woodlands, produced by the Institute of American Indian Studies in Washington Depot, CT; he is credited with voice over, acting, and flute music. Join us for Allan’s presentation on the history, culture, and playing of the Native American flute; he’ll also play some contemporary Native American songs with vocals and guitar. FEE: $6 per person. Please call to register.