Ansonia Officials To Be Sworn In Dec. 1

FILEAnsonia Mayor James Della Volpe will be sworn in for his seventh term, along with other elected city officials, at a ceremony on Thursday, Dec. 1. 

The swearing in ceremony will take place at 6 p.m. at Ansonia City Hall in the aldermanic chambers on the second floor. 

Refreshments immediately following at Millie’s II, at 242 Main Street in Ansonia.

Della Volpe announced the event at the Board of Aldermen meeting Nov. 15. He thanked the four members of the Board of Aldermen who were not re-elected on Nov. 8. They are President Stephen Blume, Jay Fainer, Peter Danielczuk and Jason Bender. 

They always had the best interest of the city at heart,” Della Volpe said. 

Three new people, all Republicans, were elected to the Board of Aldermen on Election Day: Joan Radin, Philip Tripp and Charles Stowe. 

The city officials to be sworn in on Dec. 1 are:

James T. Della Volpe

Town and City Clerk
Madeline H. Bottone 

Ronald V. Greski

Board of Aldermen
Edward J. Adamowski 
Robert Duffus
Charles W. Stowe 
Phillip Tripp
Joseph A. Jeanette, Jr. 
Patricia Macero
Robert G. Beall 
Jerome Fainer
Howard Madigosky 
Joan Radin
Scott C. Nihill 
Eugene T. Sharkey
Dave Knapp 
John Marini

Board of Education
Edward Sharkey, Jr. 
Carmen Pitney, Sr.
William Nimmons
Robert Caruso

City Sheriffs
Sean P. Rowley
Timothy Holman 
Louis R. Macero 
Peter Gujuski

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