Ansonia PD Cracking Down On Distracted Drivers

Distracted driving has become an increasingly important safety issue throughout communities in Connecticut as well as other states.

Distracted driving is inherently dangerous for not only the person talking or texting on their cell phone but for others who may be driving or walking along the same roadway. 

In an effort to combat some of the dangers associated with distracted driving Ansonia Police have increased their enforcement of distracted driving violations.

This includes, but is not limited to, talking on the cell phone without a hands-free system, texting, and even using MP3 players and IPods while operating a motor vehicle.

Since March 1, 2014 Ansonia Police have issued 209 infractions for distracted driving and will continue to enforce observed violations.

The first offense for distracted driving is a finable offense at $150. Subsequent offenses and or violations in construction zones etc. start at $300 and increase substantially for repeat offenders. 

Ansonia Police are asking motorists to use care when driving on the roadways and avoid the use of hand-held mobile devices. Drivers are more susceptible to being involved in a crash when not paying attention to the roadway.

Adults who are operating vehicles and using the hand-held devices with children in the car put these children at extra risk and also send the message that it is OK for their children to text/talk and drive. 

We are asking all motorists to help make our roadways safer by putting their cell phones away to concentrate on driving.

Please help us prevent an unnecessary tragedy by following the rules of the road. Roadway safety is of the utmost importance for the people of our community and violations will enforced aggressively.”

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