Winter Parking Regulations will be in effect from December 1, 2014 through March 31, 2015.
There shall be in the city a Twenty Four hour (24) a day, seven (7) days a week, parking ban on all city streets and highways.
The purpose is to allow snow equipment to remove snow and ice as quickly as possible from all city streets and highways, with the following exceptions:
For this winter season: Motor vehicles shall be allowed to be parked, starting on December 1, 2014, on the even-numbered side of municipal streets continuing until March 31, 2015.
City streets that display “No Parking Signs” shall be exempt from alternate side parking during the winter parking season in the area designated by the “No Parking Signs.”
These streets include: South Cliff Street, North State Street, Crescent Street (Howard Ave to Day St.), Franklin Street (Jackson to Wakelee Ave), Colony Street, Division Street and North Spring Street (from Hill Street to Jewett Street), High Street (Lester St. to Howard Ave), Doyle Drive, Fourth Street (Gatison Park area), Church St., Holbrook St. (Pork Hollow to Jackson St.) and Pork Hollow.
Parking is permitted on the even-numbered side of Fifth Street, the even-numbered side of Jewett St. (North Spring Street to Platt Street) and the even-numbered side of Hotchkiss Terrace (the area west of Kathy Lane) during the parking ban.
Parking is prohibited on the following streets: Stage Coach Road, Remer Street, Union Street, Crowley Street, Pleasant Street, Beaver Street, (North Street to the Seymour Line), Holbrook Court and Father Lar Drive, Lawton Terrace, Crescent Street (Howard Ave to Lester St.), North Fourth Street, Prospect Street, (Moulthrop St. to Viselli Court), Rockwood Ave. Ext., Viselli Court, Walkers Court, Oak Lane and Carver St.
Parking is prohibited on Main Street, West Main Street and East Main Street from midnight to 6 a.m.