Ansonia Police Plan Street Renaming, Awards Cermonies

The Ansonia Police Department will be hosting two events in conjunction with National Police Week, May 13, 2018 to May 19, 2018.

On Tuesday May 15, 2018 at 11 a.m. there will be a street renaming ceremony in honor of Chief Daniel J. Hayes. Chief Hayes was Ansonia Police Chief in 1880; on December 23, 1880, he was shot while arresting a suspect and succumbed to his wound four days later on December 27, 1880. In honor of Chief Hayes’ ultimate sacrifice, Railroad Avenue will be renamed Chief Daniel J. Hayes Drive. The ceremony will take place on National Police Memorial Day and is open to the public.

On Thursday May 17, 2018 we be holding our 15th Awards Ceremony at the Ansonia High School, 20 Pulaski Highway, at 7 p.m. We will be honoring officers and civilian employees for their years of service to the City of Ansonia, civilians for their assistance in investigations, officers for investigations and life-saving calls, and we will be naming our officer of the year. The ceremony is open to the public.

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