Ansonia’s residents deserve the most open and transparent government possible.
To that end, the City of Ansonia will be conducting a “Sunshine Seminar” for the purpose of educating city officials on dealing with the intricacies of Connecticut’s Freedom of Information Act.
The seminar will be held at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, April 1, in the Aldermanic Chambers of City Hall.
The goal of this seminar is to ensure that Ansonia’s city officials are conducting the public’s business in the sunshine.
Issues to be addressed will include production of city documents, the use of executive session and proper noticing of public meetings. Attendees will be provided with a helpful summary of FOI highlights and the floor will be open to questions.
While this seminar will be geared towards to training of city officials, it is also open to the general public.
If you are an Ansonia resident who wants to learn about the Connecticut’s “sunshine” laws and how to use them to keep track of local government activities, then please consider attending.
This program will be conducted by John P. Marini, Ansonia’s Corporation Counsel, and representatives from the Milford-based law firm of Berchem, Moses and Devlin.