Ansonia To Receive Nutmeg Network Grant

CONTRIBUTEDState Representative Linda M. Gentile (D‑Ansonia, Derby) applauded Governor Dannel P. Malloy’s announcement of a series of grants to assist municipalities throughout Connecticut with the infrastructure costs associated with connecting their town governments to the state’s Nutmeg Network and extending its availability to include all municipal services.

As part of that grant, City Hall in Ansonia will receive $39,100.

The Nutmeg Network is the state’s fiber-optic infrastructure that delivers reliable, high-speed internet access to its members throughout Connecticut.

Already offered to schools, libraries and emergency services around the state, Governor Malloy said that expanding its availability to include all municipal services will help towns, cities and regional councils of governments (COGs) achieve additional cost savings while sharing services and improving efficiency.

“As technology improves, government services continue to move online as a way of improving responsiveness to our state’s citizens and increasing efficiency,” Malloy said. ​“Expanding the availability of the Nutmeg Network to now include all types of municipal services is one way the state can help municipalities reduce their own costs while eliminating overlap.”

“Offering full access to the Nutmeg Network is part of an equation that gives the kinds of tools to our towns that will help them better meet their budget challenges and provide improved services to residents,” said Rep. Gentile. ​“I want to thank Ansonia City Hall for taking the initiative to apply.”

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