Ansonia has opened up one lane of travel on all city roads and is now in the process of widening them, Mayor James Della Volpe said in a Code Red announcement sent about 3:15 p.m.
Della Volpe’s full message follows:
“This is a Mayor James Della Volpe with a Code Red alert from the City of Ansonia. The process of opening a lane of travel on all city roads has been completed.”
We are now beginning the process of widening the roadways. As streets are widened, your driveways may become partially blocked. We apologize in advance but this is a necessary part of our snow clearing efforts.
The City of Ansonia has hired multiple private contractors to assist your road crews with snow removal. We ask for residents to be patient and understanding of the task being performed by your road crews.
Additionally, residents should be very cautious about walking in the narrowed roadways. We are asking for assistance from residents in helping to clear sidewalks in front of your residences and businesses, especially in areas of known bus stops, so that we can begin to return to a normal schedule.
- The parking ban on all city streets is still in effect. Residents are reminded that no vehicle may be parked on a city street during this time.
- All City buildings will be closed on Wednesday, February 13. City Hall and the Library will reopen on Thursday, February 14, however the Senior Center will remain closed.
- All schools will be closed on Wednesday February 13
- Garbage pickup will resume on Wednesday in the 3rd Ward and continue as normal. Wards 1 and 2 will commence with the normal pickups beginning on Monday, February 18.
The City of Ansonia will send out further announcements as needed.