Ansonia Welcomes New Businesses


ANSONIA Mayor Cassetti welcomed two new businesses to downtown today with a ribbon cutting ceremony for Beyond Home Care Staffing Services, LLC (Beyond) and its sister retail uniform store Beyond A Scrub.

Located in the recently renovated office building at 362 – 364 Main St, Beyond will offer training, education, other healthcare services and will also train Certified Nursing Assistants at the new site.

The business brings 10 new employees to downtown.

Barbara Yvette Gonzalez, owner and operator of the company, has been in the healthcare industry for over 10 years. Beyond Home Care Staffing Services will cover Ansonia, Derby and Shelton in addition to the 10 other cities they currently cover.

The building is owned and was renovated by area developer Jerry Nocerino. 

Another new business in the building, Mahuay Asian Food Store, celebrated their grand opening in August.

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