Boys & Girls Club Open Registration For Seymour Unit

The Boys & Girls Club of the Lower Naugatuck Valley has opened school year registration for its Seymour Unit, operating in the Seymour Recreation Building at 20 Pine St. in Seymour.

Programming will run from 2 – 6:30 pm, and Seymour school buses will transport Club members from school directly to the Clubhouse.

Cost is $125 a month for children ages 5 – 7 (five year olds must be attending kindergarten) and $75 a month for ages 8 – 8th grade.

Transportation is free. The program will run on scheduled half days and early dismissals due to inclement weather, as well as snow days as school holidays and vacations.

The program offers homework help, sports, gym games, and fun activities. Registration is all online.

A Transportation Request Form from the Seymour Public School system must be completed and returned to the schools at least one week prior to the child’s start date if they will be riding the school bus to our program. The form may be downloaded from our website.

Registration and payment must be done by August 20 to attend the first day of school; it takes two days to process registrations once payment is received.

For more information about the Seymour Program, contact the Boys & Girls Club at 203 – 924-9329 or email Program Director Jesse Patrick at

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