The Derby Board of Education and Superintendent Dr. Conway have been recognized by the Connecticut Association of Boards of Education for exhibiting the most effective leadership, characterized by their ability to work together as a “team.”
The CABE Board Recognition Awards are designed to recognize boards which provide effective leadership to their districts through the use of good practices. This program which acknowledges the importance of school board members and superintendents working together as effective teams continues an important trend among school boards associations across the country.
CABE Board Leadership Award – Level Two includes 19 items and boards need to fulfill 12 of these with at least two completed in each of the following areas: board leadership/student achievement, board member professional development, policy, community relations, and related organizational leadership.
Conway stated, “This is the sixth year in a row that the Derby Board of Education has been recognized, and the fourth time they are receiving the top award. The recognition speaks to the Board’s level of commitment and drive to achieve even higher goals and results.”
Board Chair, Jim Gildea stated, “The Derby Board of Education was excited to learn that we are being honored by CABE as a Board of Distinction. This Board of Education consistently puts student need above all else and all our efforts go into ensuring our school system continues to move forward. We strive to work together and come together as one cohesive body on behalf of our students. It is an honor serving with each and every member.”
The award was presented to the Board and Superintendent Conway at the CABE/CAPSS Annual Convention on November 16, 2018. A special recognition was given to each Board member at the Board meeting on December 13, 2018.