Conroy Urges Support For Dems In Seymour

Although the Seymour Democratic Town Committee is unable to find a candidate to seek the position of First Selectman this year due to their family, work and personal commitments of several individuals who expressed an interest in seeking the position, I do hope that the people of Seymour will vote for the Democratic Candidates for the Board of Selectmen. 

I am well aware of the responsibilities and challenges of the Board of Selectmen as a present member of that Board and as the State Representative for the 105th District.

Karen Stanek, who taught Social Studies at Seymour High School for 35 years, has served on the Board of Selectmen for the past two years. She is also a Member of the Board of Directors of the Valley Community Foundation and of the Seymour Historical Society. Karen is concerned about the need for more aggressive economic development in order to lower taxes. She has been an advocate for an effective blight ordinance and enforcement thereof which provides people with ample opportunity to remedy blight conditions. Karen is a strong supporter of improving Town roads, assisting the Downtown Community and increasing security in our schools.

Paul Roy served 4 years as a Member of the Board of Selectmen prior to serving as First Selectman. He is the Chairman of the Skateboard Park Committee, and he has worked to improve Seymour parks and wishes to develop a greenway trail along the Naugatuck River. Paul believes that tax relief through economic development and regionalizing town functions such as purchasing supplies with other communities and developing a regional SWAT team will result in savings to the Town.

Hargurpreet Singh is a Senior Research Chemist who is passionate about fostering community development and bettering the world by selfless service to all humanity, a quality that led him to become involved in the American Cancer Society’s ​“Relay for Life.” His goal as a Member of the Board of Selectmen is to better the community. He hopes to make a difference by assisting the education system, fostering diversity and listening and responding to constituent desires.

Zani Imetovski has lived his entire life in Seymour and is a proud alumnus of Seymour High School Class of 2010. He is a senior at the University of New Haven where he is the President of the Student Government. He wishes to be a member of the Board of Selectmen to provide a new, younger prospective to the Board. Zani supports local business growth, the development of commercial properties and continued efforts to beautify Seymour in order to continue to make Seymour a great place to live.

Election of the 4 Democratic Candidates to the Board of Selectmen will allow a more efficient and better functioning town government. They will be able to provide more deliberative discussions of policies and procedures so that one party does not have total control of town government. They are outstanding individuals who will work for economic development, lower taxes, great education and a better Seymour. 

The writer is a state Representative and a member of the Seymour Board of Selectmen.

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