It has been a great honor and privilege to serve the people of Ansonia as their Mayor. Together we have been through good times and challenging times but we have persevered and we will continue to work together for a better, ever-changing community.
The recent state mandated revaluation has caused unfair property tax pain for some in our community as that process occurred after the collapse in real property values from the great national recession. As an Ansonia taxpayer myself, I understand that pain and am working day and night to steer our municipal ship back to the waters of economic growth.
We are embarking on a new economic development strategy that began with an inventory of our assets such as location, access to highways and rail service, proximity to major health care facilities and a skilled work force. We are reshaping our city into a “green community” with solar power, LED replacement of lighting, energy conservation and the development of a multimillion-dollar anaerobic digestion green energy facility on dormant land.
That project represents the largest private sector investment in our city in more than 40 years. It will power our buildings with green energy, reduce municipal electric costs, make the water treatment facility run at lower cost and create jobs and tax revenue for Ansonia. It will empower our new Economic Development Director, Peter Kelly to market our city to the fast growing small business sector that wants to be associated with green energy.
Our Fountain Lake economic development project is moving forward with the promise of new investment and jobs for our community. New restaurants and businesses are opening downtown and we are steadily moving from the cold winds of the recession to a new day of growth for Ansonia.
We have been working hard with state officials to accomplish regional use of our water treatment facility with Derby to save sewer costs for ratepayers in both communities while protecting local jobs and cleaning our environment.
The Olson Drive demolition continues our efforts to replace an obsolete housing project with open space and new opportunities for our citizens. Crime is declining through these efforts and the work of our police department, which valiantly protects our neighborhoods and our most vulnerable citizens – the elderly and children.
We have made investments in our school system to continue improvements in the academic standing of our children, preserve all day kindergarten and move forward with better educational programs.
We have accomplished savings adding up to millions of dollars for taxpayers by innovations in employee health care reforms, energy savings and a renegotiation of fire hydrant payments to the Regional Water Authority.
I love my city and care deeply about each family. My door will always be open to our citizens whom I will continue to treat with respect and dignity. We have come through much together and I respectfully ask for the opportunity to continue my service to Ansonia and its wonderful people.
Thank you very much.
The writer, a Democrat, is seeking re-election as mayor of Ansonia.