Derby Day Is Saturday June 25

Derby Day is 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, June 25 on Elizabeth Street in and around the Derby Green.

It will be held rain or shine.

Live music will be heard from the gazebo on the Green.

The band ​“RiverJack” plays at noon. ​“The Bernadettes” play at 3 p.m.

See the flier above for more info.

The annual Housy River duck race to benefit the St. Mary-St. Michael School and other nonprofits is scheduled for 2 p.m. at the Derby-Shelton bridge. Click here for a detailed press release.

Along with the duck race, St. Mary-St. Michael School is selling large rubber ducks for $10 for the ​“Duck Decorating Contest” that will be judged on Derby Day.

Adult and children will be judged separately, beginning at noon Saturday.

Derby Day also features food, plenty of vendors, laser tag and obstacle courses.

In addition, the latest class of the Derby Hall of Fame will be noted. Click here for more information on the ceremony.

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