Motion-activated lights have been installed on the Derby Greenway at an underpass. Photo courtesy of Jack Walsh.
DERBY— Motion-activated lights are being installed along a section of the Derby Greenway that was the site of a horrific crime in 2019.
“This addresses peoples’ concerns for personal safety,” said Linda Fusco, Mayor Joseph DiMartino’s chief of staff. ​“The lighting is specific to the underpass under Route 34. It is the area where walkers feel the most vulnerable and was the site of at least one serious incident.”
In November of 2019, a man raped an elderly woman in broad daylight on this section of the greenway. Following the crime, Derby residents started a petition and gathered over 200 signatures demanding the city make safety improvements.
The section includes a narrow section running beneath the Route 34 overpass. Compared to the rest of the greenway, it’s fairly isolated.
Resident Susan Schroeder, who chairs Derby’s Cultural Commission, is a regular user of the greenway and was instrumental in collecting the safety petition signatures. She said she was happy to hear the city was taking action.
“Since the crime, I just could not shake always being on edge on the greenway in isolated spots,” Schroeder said. ​“I felt an obligation to advocate for safety on the greenway.”

The light. Installation was expected to be completed this week. Photo by Jack Walsh.
Resident Jack Walsh, who co-chairs the Naugatuck River Greenway Steering Committee, walked over 1,600 miles along the greenway last year. He also expressed gratitude for the safety enhancements, adding that they may deter vandalism.
“I think the lights will not only help to give people a sense of security but hopefully will deter some of the graffiti which plagues the tunnel area,” Walsh said. ​“I would still advise people to walk in groups and to carry a cell phone as they would do at any facility like this. Overall, this has been an incredible asset not only to the city but to the surrounding area as people come from all over to use it.”
The lights and installation will cost just under $4,000, Fusco said.
Money that was left over for decorative lighting downtown in the city’s public works budget is being used to pay for the lights..
DFG Electric Inc., of East Haven, will be responsible for installing three, double headed LED spotlights with motion sensors, according to Fusco. The company also installed security cameras and LED lights in the Derby municipal parking garage on Elizabeth Street.
Fusco said the lights will turn on as soon as someone approaches.

The Derby Greenway is among the most active walking paths in Connecticut. Photo courtesy of Jack Walsh.
“If a walker approaches the underpass and the light is already on, it will alert the walker that someone is already there or has just gone through,” Fusco said.
Mayor Joe DiMartino said he’s glad to be able to make the greenway improvements.
“I’m pleased to be able to enhance the safety of our greenway which is used and enjoyed by so many,” DiMartino. ​“Since decorative lighting is provided as a part of the Route 34 project design, I’m grateful to public works for letting us use some of their unspent money for such a good cause.”
Derby Economic Development Director Roger Salway said the new lighting will be a welcome addition and that he will also be looking for grant money to look into surveillance cameras, as well.
“Having a safer greenway will, longer term, be an attraction to new residents moving into the apartments under construction nearby,” Salway said.
Fusco said surveillance cameras could also be something the city’s Capital Planning Commision could consider.