Derby Honors National Champ Cheerleaders

Three national championship winning cheer squads from Derby were honored by the city Saturday with in a caravan that carried the girls from one side of the city to other.

Three Pop Warner Red Raider cheerleading squads — Jr. Pee Wee, Pee Wee, and Junior Varsity PW 4 — took home top ranked wins earlier this month during the 2017 Pop Warner national Cheer & Dance Championships at the ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex in Orlando, Fla.

On Saturday morning, a caravan of cars, police and fire trucks traveled from the Bradley School in west Derby all the way to Derby Middle School on the other side of town.

Video from a Valley Indy reporter’s front yard is embedded below. About 40 cheerleaders were honored.

Once at the middle school, the first order of business was hot chocolate.

It was freezing Saturday, and the cheerleaders toughed it out riding in the backs of pickup trucks for two miles.

Mayor Rich Dziekan said the girls did Derby proud.

Between practice and studying, your achievement is incredible. It shows your dedication, to be an all-around student athlete,” the mayor said.

Dziekan also provided a real-life civics lesson to the young students by swearing-in three new members of the Derby Board of Police Commissioners — Thomas Lenart, Sam Pollastro, and Andrew Mancini.

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